2011 Ames Iowa Republican Straw Poll Results

Total votes: 16,892 4823 Michelle Bachmann 4671 Ron Paul 2293 Tim Pawlenty 1657 Rick Santorum 1456 Herman Cain 718 Rick Perry 567 Mitt Romney 385 Newt Gingrich 69 Jon Huntsman 35 Thaddeus McCotter 162 Scattering

Submit site to OpenDNS

OpenDNS is a great DNS service that also has filtering of adult and other sensitive sites. It is also possible to submit new sites to OpenDNS to be categorized. However, that option is not easy to find on the OpenDNS website. To submit sites to…

Donald Trump may run for president

Donald Trump is stating that he might run for president after saying earlier this year that he would not run. One reason he may have toyed with the idea earlier in the year would have been to air his baggage out to see how people…

Is Rick Perry 2012’s Fred Thompson

An opinion article in the NH Union Leader questions whether or not Rick Perry is the 2012 Republican primary equivalent of Fred Thompson in 2008. The answer to that is probably no. While both Rick Perry and Fred Thompson are in the Council on Foreign…

Google+ doesn’t solve the real privacy problem

There has been much hullabaloo over the release of Google’s new social network and Facebook competitor Google+. The privacy in Google+ is supposed to be better since it has a feature called Circles which allows you to share information with select groups of friends. However…

Sister Wive’s Polygamist Suing Utah over Polygamy

Kody Brown, the polygynist patriarch featured on the TV show Sister Wive’s, is suing Utah over polygamy. Specifically: The lawsuit is not demanding that states recognize polygamous marriage. Instead, the lawsuit builds on a 2003 United States Supreme Court decision, Lawrence v. Texas, which struck…