The Geneva Bible notes state that the Millennium is past and that currently we are experiencing the Gog and Magog invasion into Europe and America of the Turks/Moslems. A consistent interpretation of fulfilled prophecy of the phrase “fire came down from God out of heaven”…
Author: nomos
Jonathan Edward vs. Covenant Theology
Jonathon Edwards is sometimes viewed as the last of the Puritans. This is a mistake. He was not among the “Calvinist ancients.” He is better described as the first of the “Calvinist moderns.” Edwards’ theology of experientialism helped to destroy Calvinist covenant theology in America,…
Worship or Obeisance – Deceitful Translation in the New World Translation
The Jehovah’s Witness cult teaches that Jesus Christ was not worshipped during the incarnation. In order to deceive people, the JW’s translated the Greek words which are normally translated as worship in other Bible translations as either “obeisance” or “worship” depending on whether it was…
Desertion by Joseph Hart
Deep in a cold, a joyless cell, A doleful gulph of gloomy care! Where dismal doubts and darkness dwell, The dang’rous brink of black despair Chill’d by the icy damps of death, I feel no firm support of faith. How can a burden’d cripple rise?…
My personal Fedora LXDE post-install guide
Even though Fedora is a very stable Linux distribution I have recently experienced some problems which were resolved most easily by reinstalling. My impression of upgrading between releases is that each upgrade leaves behind some cruft from the previous release. While there are downsides to…
Enable numlock on boot LXDE
To have numlock automatically turned on after startup in LXDM/LXDE edit /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf. sudo nano /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf Uncomment the line that has: # numlock=0 Set numlock=1 and save the file. numlock=1 Numlock should now be enabled on boot.
How to change the default file manager in Linux
To change the default file manager in Linux edit /usr/share/applications/defaults.list $ sudo nano /usr/share/applications/defaults.list Then search for “inode/directory”. In nano, press Ctrl-W to search. It should look like this: inode/directory=pcmanfm.desktop Change the part after the equal sign to whatever file manager you prefer such as…
Fujifilm FinePix AX655 review
The Fujifilm FinePix AX655 is a point and shoot digital camera sold at Walmart. The AX650 is a similar model which is sold much more widely but for some reason the AX655 seems to only be available at Walmart. At the time of my purchasing…
Windows 8 Installation has failed at 11% FAT32
If you are upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 8 and you have a FAT 32 partition Windows 8 Installation will fail at 11% without telling you the reason why. The error message you will receive is “Windows 8 Installation has failed.” The solution is…
LXDE OpenBox disable raise window on click
The default behavior in Xserver in Linux and other *nix systems for window managers used to be that left clicking on a window focused the window without raising it above other windows on the screen. This behavior allows you to work simultaneously with windows on…