Even though Fedora is a very stable Linux distribution I have recently experienced some problems which were resolved most easily by reinstalling. My impression of upgrading between releases is that each upgrade leaves behind some cruft from the previous release. While there are downsides to formatting your root partition like losing your settings these things can always be backed up. Here are some things I usually do after installing the LXDE spin of Fedora.
Install and run Fedora Utils.
Install Libreoffice, Evince, GIMP, Redshift, Gnome Character Map, File-roller, VLC, Google Chrome (using Fedora Utils), Simple Scan, Filezilla, WINE, Geany, Firefox, and gksu-polkit.
sudo yum install libreoffice evince gimp redshift gucharmap file-roller vlc simple-scan filezilla wine geany firefox gksu-polkit
Some other software I find useful is Calibre, Sqliteman, Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and VirtualBox.
Some music utilities I like are Lilypond and MuseScore.
sudo yum install lilypond mscore
To install the HP printer and scanner drivers:
sudo yum install hpijs hplip hplip-gui
Set LXDM to automatically login and turn on numlock automatically by editing /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf.
To enable open current folder as root from within PCManFM first install gksu-polkit. Then in PCManFM, from the Edit menu select Preferences and then Advanced from the left side of the pane. Set the “Switch user command” to:
gksu-polkit %
Some additional fonts you may want installed:
sudo yum install google-droid-sans-fonts google-droid-sans-mono-fonts google-droid-serif-fonts