Donald Trump is stating that he might run for president after saying earlier this year that he would not run. One reason he may have toyed with the idea earlier in the year would have been to air his baggage out to see how people would respond. If Trump were to run as a Republican he would appeal mostly to the liberal jingoist faction of the GOP even though his questioning Obama’s birth certificate supposedly made him a “Tea Party” favorite at the time. There is good reason to believe that his making an issue of Obama’s birth certificate was merely a ruse to get Obama to release what many question as a fake birth certificate. Thus Trump being satisfied gave legitimacy to the birth certificate that was released whether fake or not. However Trump’s real goal may be to not run as a Republican but as a third party candidate, his true purpose being to draw votes away from the Republican candidate thereby insuring four more years of Obama. One should realize of course that the whole scenario of Republican and Democrat is part of the Hegelian dialectic used to control society. Trump would then be fulfilling the role that Ross Perot played to the successful election of Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996.